Sunday, 10 June 2018

Laser Strap Reviews - Testimonials - Videos - Laser Power ST - Baseball Softball...

– Eric Thames, MLB; Milwaukee Brewers

We had a freshman the other day use it in tee work then later we were in the field hitting off a machine with no timing mechanism. The kid was barreling everything with backspin to the pull side and not getting hook spin that he gets a lot of at times. It was impressive, our other head coach just kept looking at me and raising his eyebrows. – Rusty Mac, Hitting Coach; University of Hawaii

I host a weekly podcast called Youth Baseball Talk. You can check us out at I have been following the development of your product as I personally feel it is one of the best hitting aids I have seen. Just curious if you would want to come on one of my shows and talk about it and how it can help kids. I average around 120,000 downloads a month, just let me know if you wanna come on. Have a great day!

I have identified the your baseball swing trainer as the best product to get hitter's to use the proper upper body mechanics. I believe the Laser Strap Power Swing Trainer fits perfectly with my philosophy that a hitter must perform thousands of correct repetitions to create a swing in the proper sequence. The product makes it convenient for a player to practice mechanically sound swings which I believe will encourage a hitter to take more correct practice swings.

Howard Nakagama, former scout for the Chicago White Sox

Baseball Training Aids

Hitting Aids • Baseball • Softball • Laser Strap Power Hitting Aids

Baseball Swing Trainer

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Professional Baseball Hitting Aids

Nice article below about the first pro to use the Laser Strap Power Hitting Aid. Staying back on a changeup and hitting an opposite field Laser Whip homer!

Nice article below about the first pro to use our Laser Strap Power Hitting Aid. Staying back on a changeup and hitting...

Posted by Hit Lasers on Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Monday, 21 May 2018

Baseball Power Hitting Aids

Top Rated Baseball Power Hitting Aids

Hitting Trainer Reviews Baseball And Softball 

Editors Choice
The Laser Strap Power Hitting Aid

Laser Blast drills, both arms inside your Laser Strap Power Hitting Aid. Resistance improves strength, frontside, and backside swing mechanics; releasing from resistance triggers bat speed.

Laser Whip drills, remove your front arm, super-boosting bat speed; and powerful swing extension.

Resistance fixes a long, and casting swing, “staying connected,” AKA “hands inside the ball.”

Hit your way, taking batting practice as usual; the Laser Strap works for all hitting drills.


Powerful follow through, the Laser Strap hitting aid works from the start of your swing, to the end.

Practice hitting all pitch locations, additionally, you have the option for extra swings per round; without getting tired. For example, currently you take 20 average swings of tee-drill, with the Laser Strap it’s 30 quality swings; an improvement of 40% in productivity! After a few rounds, remove your baseball training aid, noticing your bat feels lighter, bat speed, exit velocity, and mechanics improve; hitting powerful LASERS during batting practice, and game day.

Learn more about the Laser Strap Power Hitting Aid at

Baseball Hitting Drills

HITTING DRILLS FOR BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL Hitting drills to improve bat speed, power batting drills, youth drills, practice plans, and hitting programs.